Tuesday, March 29, 2011


v  Voice is the form a verb takes to indicate whether the subject of the verb performs or receives the action.
v  There are two types of voice:  active voice and passive voice.

Active Voice

v  Active Voice – indicates that the subject of the verb is acting
v  Because the subject does or "acts upon" the verb in such sentences, the sentences are said to be in the active voice.
v  These examples show that the subject is  doing the verb's action.
>        The dog jumped onto the boy.
ü  The dog (subject) is doing the jumping (verb).
>        Kristy will give a book report to the class.
ü  Kristy (subject) is doing the giving (verb).
>        The computer printed my paper.
ü  The computer (subject) is doing the printing (verb).

Passive Voice

v  In a passive voice sentence, the subject and object flip-flop. The subject becomes the passive recipient of the action.
v  Because the subject is being "acted upon" (or is passive), such sentences are said to be in the passive voice.
v  These examples show the subject being acted upon by the verb. 
v  The boy was jumped on by the dog.
ü  Boy (subject)  was being jumped on (verb)
v  A book report will be given by Kristy to the class.
ü  Report (subject) will be given (verb).
v  My paper was printed by the computer.              
ü  Paper (subject) was being printed (verb).


v  Passive voice is used when the agent (doer of an action) is obvious, unknown, or unnecessary.
J  Oranges are grown in California.
J  Toyotas are made in Japan.
J  Her purse was stolen.
v  Passive voice is used when the agent is known, but the speaker/writer does not want to mention it.
J  She was given bad advice.
J  A mistake has been made.
v  Passive voice is often used when the agent is very general such as people or somebody.
J  English is spoken here.
J  The door should be locked at all times.
v  Passive voice is used when the speaker/writer wants to emphasize a result or emphasize the receiver of the action instead of the performer.
J  Seven thousand people were killed by the earthquake
         =) The earthquake killed 7,000 people.
J  The professor was hit by three snowballs.
         =) Three snowballs hit the professor.

Reasons to Use the Active Voice

v  Most writers prefer to use active voice because it is more direct.
v  Compare
J  Active: The waiter dropped the tray of food.
J  Passive: The tray of food was dropped by the waiter.
v  The active voice is less awkward and clearly states relationship between subject and action.
v  Compare
J  Passive: Your request for funding has been denied by the review committee.
J  Active: The review committee denied your request for funding.
v  The active voice sentence pattern propels the reader forward through your writing thus avoiding weak prose.

When to Use Passive Voice

v  In general, the passive voice is less direct, less forceful, and less concise than the active voice. 
v  Use the passive voice in the following situations:
J  Use passive voice when you do not know or do not want to reveal the performer of an action.
J  Use passive voice when you want to emphasize the receiver of an action.
v  Awkward Passive:  My bicycle was repainted by John.
v  Deliberate Passive:  My bicycle was repainted.  (The performer is not mentioned and the emphasis is on the bicycle.)

Form of Passive Voice Verbs

v  The passive voice requires a "double verb" and will always consist of a form of the verb "to be" and the past participle (usually the "en/ed/t" form) of another verb.
v  Example:
                Active:  John baked the bread.
                Passive:  The bread was baked by John.  (Was is a form of the verb “be”.)
v  Writers should be familiar with the forms of "to be" , often called linking verbs, so that they can easily identify the passive voice in their work.
v  Review the forms of "to be":
J  am, is, are, was, were, be, being, been
v  Note the forms of "to be" in the examples of the verb "to kick" in various forms of the passive voice:
   is kicked - - - - - >had been kicked
    was kicked - - - - - >is going to be kicked
 is being kicked - - - - - >will be kicked
 has been kicked - - - - - >can be kicked
 was being kicked - - - - - >should be kicked
v  Often passive voice sentences will contain a "by" phrase indicting who or what performed the action.
v   Passive sentences can be easily transformed into active sentences when the object of the preposition "by" is moved to the subject position in the sentence.
v  Examples:
J  Passive: The cookies were eaten by the children.

J Active: The children ate the cookies.

J  Passive: The tunnels are dug by the gophers.

J Active: The gophers dug the tunnels.

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